Thursday 17 May 2012

Insomnia- Tale Of a night madness

People are afraid to sleep at night.
Because they sleep the whole day.
My neighbor's family are expert in every thing at night.
He would snore with decibels while his children,
would sing from the National Anthem to a fucking awful Christmas song.
At night i hear the whole damned neighbourhood,
coming into life like zombies..slow at first, then insanely enraged,
turning into a complete tantrum market.
Kitchens would sell you the scent of fish dishes at 1 am.
And pressure cookers would whistle like no train had ever done.
Because Monday is sadness day, and you will not have the heart to kill a fish.

A massive crowd i don't know how the hell came from where,gathered.
to discuss Obama's strategy to eradicate rats in New York.
"No, not one will survive. Even the eradicators would disappear after the job".
I heard with fright.( I quickly thought about the men dressed always in black in black four wheel drives)
This sent shivers down my spine.
They also talked about the corrosive effect of urine on asphalt.Damn i was an ignorant!
The meeting took place at 2 am.      Venue: Just under my window sill.
At 2.15 am all the dogs are set loose.they would run behind imaginary ghost and barked like Lucifer himself.
I try to recollect if today there is a festival or something.. Nothing.
So..when you can't sleep you hallucinate...Well,

The dogs are all dressed in their best suits.
I quickly discover among them, Sopranos and Tenors.
Two evil gang.Feared in the neighborhood for their deadly bites.
Sopranos are dressed in Pink and Tenors were nudist., with vocal cords like  deranged harps.
My bed starts to move by the noises. I remember it was in my bedroom.

People are afraid to sleep at night,
Because during the day they die.
They don't want to die again in their sleep.
They will talk, walk, take a third quick supper,smoke.Listen to the radio.
We should be bats.Our genes must have been taken from Night guards.
To create us.Because this portion in my neighborhood,We are fine at night.
Fit. Not so sleepy!! What? You want to sing? Come on! 1,2,3.4 .At a fucking three p.m...

I sleep everyday in shopping mall.A call center.In a choral class.Besides a rockers drum.
In a kindergarten,in a fucking radio.

They fight each other and some got killed too.
On the road the families would cried a lot.
Repeat philosophical discourses while getting drunk.
In the morning a murder of crows have come to investigate,
the fortunate sleeper on the road.

He is swimming in ketchup! Lucky man. a bottle cost about a hundred.
He really did burst out his purse before dying, like saying " Come'on! I die today!"
There is a grin on his face, i'm sure he is trying to tell us that his dream has come true.
Inspector Crowbar, will start swearing and will give a dramatic look at everyone gathered.

That night the Sopranos and the Tenors fought a fight to the death.
Darth Vador would love to have one.
With the canteen man.
I watched the live opera.
None of them won.

Strangely, that night a large meteorite crashed on Billy, one of the barkers.
Because he barked a lot? 
"Oh God! Where is Animal Rights?"
Everyone got scared and ran away.
Leaving Joy the bassist behind,dressed in pink.
He swore to god, that if he made it from there,
He would stop eating dog food.
He ran into a Bush,
Got tortured and sent to Guantanamo.
He left there with no tail,standing on three legs and insane.

Inspector Crowbar, quickly  accused Joy for the murder of the Ketchup man.
And the death of Billy. Killed by a meteorite.Easier to accuse Joy, instead of a rock from space.
Joy was insane.People were happy.
The next night, they walked and talked about the murder.
I threw away my cigarette, smiled, closed my window.
I slept that night..
With answers..

Answers are  strange type of beings.......and..

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